
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 gamedector hinted at the appearance of a groove

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 gamedector hinted at the appearance of a groove

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is full of Easter eggs, but one of them especially attracted the attention of fans. In the first part of the game in the area of ​​hellish cuisine, a sign was found with the mention of the Law Firm Nelson and Murdok. In continuation, the sign remained in place, but the inscription Nelson and Murdock disappeared, which hints at the possible move of the office.

Answering this question in the latest issue of the IGN’s Beyond podcast, the senior creative director of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Bryan Intihar) said:

This is not the only mention of Nelson and Murdok in the game. At the end of the mission "Sandman" Miles Morales mentions that the friends of Peter Advocate can help the daughter of a sandstone with the right to date with his father in prison. Although this was not named by name, it seems that this is a rather clear hint of a dynamic duo of lawyers.

All this was more than enough for fans to make assumptions about the appearance of a groove. Of course, what will be for the appearance until no one can assume. It can be like a small Camo of Matt Murdok as a lawyer (as in the film 2021 "Spider-Man: There is no way home"), and the appearance of the devil himself of hellish cuisine as a partner of Spider-Man in DLC or spin-off of the game.

Insomniac, of course, left the door open to the possibility of creating a wider Marvel universe. Just two days ago, the senior creative director of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Brian Intighar confirmed Kinda Funny that the upcoming game about Wolverine is taking place in the same Universe (Earth 1048), which opens up the possibility for intersections. Moreover, on the day of the presentation, the senior director of narrative Jon Paquette said that the studio will listen to the opinion of the fans about the possible spin-off about Venom.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 was perfectly accepted by critics and players. She became the best -selling PlayStation Studios game in history: more than 2.5 million were sold in the first 24 hours. copies.