
The authors of the ambitious modification of Community Story Project for Gothic 3 talked about the process of working on the project

The authors of the ambitious modification of Community Story Project for Gothic 3 talked about the process of working on the project

For those who do not know, Community Story Project – "This is a project, the purpose of which is to improve and expand the somewhat disappointed plot Gothic 3". Developers, all fans of the series created by Piranha Bytes want to improve the main storyline, fractions system, references, game balance, graphics and soundtracks. In a word, this is a grandiose task that has been working on for several years.

In an interview, which turned out to be very long, the Community Story Team team did not name the modification release dates, but talked about how the work on the project, which will be declared 100% completed when all the tasks in the Excel file used within the company have been reached. this degree of completion:

There is an Excel spreadsheet, which detail the state and general course of the implementation of all parts of the project. When this table shows that all points have reached 100%, this means that the project is completed.

The Community Story Team team also said that each of the developers working on the implementation of the project has their own terms and motives, many of them go away and join the project as much.

He also clarified that Piranha Bytes did not participate in the project, although there were contacts with her:

A few years ago, Robespierre contacted Sasha Henrichs and told him about our project. At that time, the first Gothic Remake teaser was just released. During the conversation, they discussed various topics related to the development of the project, but in general this did not affect the development. As a result, the CSP team did not feel the need either in support from Piranha Bytes, or in obtaining their help in the form of control or tips. CSP is a project that was born from the community, and it is right that it remains so.

Unfortunately, Gothic 3 was released in a rather deplorable state due to pressure from the publisher, which required its speedy exit. However, the community did not give up and worked on the modification and correction of the game within several projects, one of which, perhaps the most promising, is CSP.